Our Prices

Our charge for on-site clinics is £600 per day + mileage

Management referrals are £175 each (remote) or a visit to site can be arranged for a half day charge of £350 + mileage

If you aren’t sure what you need, please get in touch for a chat. If required, an onsite visit can be arranged to help us understand your health surveillance needs. Depending on the numbers of employees involved, we will discuss the best way to meet your health surveillance needs.

We can deliver onsite for your employees’ convenience. A quiet room is needed, preferably with toilet facilities close by, internet access and two power points. The room will need to be equipped with a desk and two chairs.

No or limited facilities on site? We can work with you to identify suitable, local facilities to help us deliver a competitive service.

We cover East Midlands

We cover Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Staffordshire. This locality means that our Clinical Director can easily reach you to discuss your OH delivery and provide appropriate advice on health surveillance and other occupational health requirements.